in this DIY project I use Premium Cricut Vinyl and Key West images and fonts from Cricut Access Design Space to decorate my patio Coffee Table. I've decided to go KeyWest on my porch and repurpose what I already have! The thing I love most about Cricut Premium Outdoor Vinyl, is that even outdoor Vinyl is not truly permanent, so I can change my look without having to replace my furniture in the future if I want. Yet the vinyl is sticky enough to last for years. To remove it I peel it and if it sticks I use a blow dryer to warm the glue up then peel. If you want to have a look for just a special event, you can do that too by using regular indoor Vinyl, it's easy to peel right back off!
Time: estimate 1 hour
Skill: beginner

Fonts & Images used, get creative and use your own or use these, this project is available in the Community Cricut, you can click to it from my Cricut projects page!

Enjoy your table makeover!
Designed by artist Shelly Tschupp using Cricut Design Space!